The skin is the largest organ we have. It keeps us warm, it protects our inner organs, its also consumes and infiltrates everything we put on it. I am a firm believer that what you put in your body can also be good on it. I like to know what I am putting on my skin and what will harm it.  This is why I stick to real things. If there is one thing I am notorious for, is getting everything I need from food. When I mean everything, i mean everything.

I love treating myself to a weekly mask. Specially with all the running, and the change in seasons; Its easy for the skin to get oily or break out because it. This mask is one ingredient. An EGG. I use organic ones. Egg whites are great to firm the skin, oil, and close pores. While egg yolk is great for moisturizing the skin.

In two bowls, separate the egg yolk from the egg white. With a fork beat the egg whites until its frothy. Use your fingers to spread the egg white across your face in an upward notion.  THATS IT!  Now the mask will start to harden (between 20-30 mins).


Now I don't like to be wasteful. So while you wait for your mask to harden you can make a quick hair mask. My hair tends to get dry. Combine the remaining egg white and the yolk you set aside. Add a a few spoons of coconut oil. Beat with a fork and apply it all over your hair. Tie it up and  put a shower cap on so that it can retain its moisture and not dry up. (Depending on how much and how long your hair you might need to make more of this mixture)

After you've pranced around your apartment for 30 minutes, hop in the shower rinse your face with soap and water. Then wash your hair with your favorite sulfate-free shampoo. After my shower, I like to use a bit of coconut oil on my face as moisturizer. This time i blew out my hair. As you can see this mask will have you very baby faced and your hair  shiny and revived!

Try it out and let us know what you think!

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